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Maximising Efficiency: How IoT solutions empower Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance

JUL 12, 2024 | Nikita Singh| Joydeep Bhattacharyya
region: ALL Health & Social CareTransportation & StorageConstructionManufacturingAccommodation & Food Service

Transforma Insights’ recent report, 'Remote Diagnostics & Maintenance: 20.9 million devices aimed at optimising cost and overall equipment effectiveness’ estimates that by 2033, the total number of connected devices used for remote diagnostics and maintenance will reach 20.9 million and the market will grow at a CAGR of 15% between 2023-2033.

This blog outlines the concept of Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance, its benefits, explains how it works, and its possible deployment across three different application groups, namely Machinery Remote Diagnostics, Healthcare Remote Diagnostics, and Vertical Transportation.

What is Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance?

The Remote Diagnostics & Maintenance application group is a key part of Industrial IoT (IIoT). The process of remote diagnostic and maintenance comprises collecting machine data and then analysing and drawing out insights for actioning.

What are the benefits of Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance?

Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance primarily benefits business organisations by swiftly pinpointing faults and facilitating lifecycle monitoring for both OEMs and operators. Prompt identification and issue visibility save technicians time in troubleshooting, leading to swift problem resolution and heightened technician productivity. Additionally, it reduces the number of technician visits needed for scheduled maintenance. To cite an instance, Varian Medical, a medical device manufacturer, exemplifies this by slashing technician visits by 42% through the implementation of IoT-based monitoring systems.

Modes of deployment

There are two ways through which these products can be introduced: retrofit and factory-fit. In retrofitting, new technologies or features are added to older systems, while in factory-fit, solutions are installed when the equipment is manufactured.

Factory-fit solutions are more properly tuned and compatible with devices in comparison to retro-fit devices which usually require a third-party integrator for proper fitting and functioning of devices and will typically not be optimised for the specific piece of equipment. Retrofit products and services can coexist with factory-fit solutions if integration within the same ecosystem or facility is simple, especially for small manufacturing facilities.

What are the major use cases of Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance?


There are several different environments where equipment or infrastructure need to be remotely monitored and maintained. These application areas include:

Manufacturing environment and industries

Monitoring devices are required in a manufacturing environment to detect and react to abnormal operational conditions and anomalies in machines. This encourages a proactive response to early fault indications and performance deteriorations.

What are the benefits?

Remote diagnostics in an industrial set-up can reduce downtime and maintenance needs, and result in significant financial savings for operators as repairs can be conducted and scheduled only when required (based on analysed data). For instance, by deploying 1,000 IoT-connected devices in its manufacturing facility in China, Ericsson Panda reduced its maintenance work by about 50%, resulting in an annual savings of USD10,000.

Besides, surveys state that manufacturing companies in the UK, US, France and Germany lowered their equipment maintenance cost by 40% and downtime by 50% by using IoT devices within the facilities. Earlier (before deploying the IoT devices), the companies’ downtime cost USD250,000 per hour, the average outage duration was four hours, and the median cost was USD2 million.

Healthcare industry

IoT devices can monitor and help in the maintenance of various types of medical devices such as CT scanners, X-ray and ultrasound machines, sphygmomanometers, and thermometers to prevent accidents and improve operational assistance.

Benefits of IoT-enabled remote monitoring in healthcare industry

Monitoring of medical equipment is crucial to avoid detrimental effects such as loss of human lives. IoT-enabled remote monitoring facilitates diagnosis, treatment, and improvement in monitoring processes.

Besides, managing medical devices has also become more complex in recent years (owing to reasons like rising use of specialised and sophisticated equipment, outsourcing of specialised maintenance and repair of equipment, rising need for accuracy, compliance, reliability, and safety), and to avoid mishaps, IoT sensors are integrated into medical devices, which can help measure and assess the correct functioning of such devices. For instance, Philips e-Alerts for MRI systems uses sensors to monitor critical parameters of the MRI system and issues automated alerts during emergencies.

Vertical transportation

This refers to all kinds of transportation systems used in high-rise buildings (like lifts and escalators) that are crucial for the efficient operation of a building and for the experience and comfort of its occupants.

What are the benefits of deploying IoT-based solutions in vertical transportation?

Smart elevators and escalators equipped with advanced technologies offer better safety and security, improved energy efficiency, and ensure effective crowd management. These solutions reduce the need for manual maintenance and testing but also track records of every machine individually, thereby increasing safety and convenience. For instance, IoT devices reduce downtime and breakdowns in elevators, reducing the chance of people getting trapped in them.

To cite an instance, a trial by two building infrastructure management companies, JTC Corporation (Singapore) and TUV SUD (Germany) reveals that remote diagnostics and maintenance in lifts resulted in a 25% improvement in labour productivity related to the repair and maintenance of their lifts and escalators. Additionally, remote monitoring and diagnostics allowed predictive maintenance, without requiring manual monitoring, and reduced risk if inspections were missed or delayed. Warnings of impending breakdowns and maintenance requirements alerts were sent to the inspection authority, which reduced maintenance visits significantly. Supported by the introduction of sensors and predictive algorithms, they could accurately detect, diagnose, and predict faults with an accuracy of 85% in 117 of their lifts.

Summing up: Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance solutions optimising cost, services, and overall equipment effectiveness

Remote Diagnostics and Maintenance is one of the critical components of Industrial IoT (IIoT), which revolutionises operations through the collection, analysis, and utilisation of machine data. This proactive approach yields a plethora of benefits, which include swift fault identification and comprehensive lifecycle monitoring, eventually increasing the productivity of technicians and enhancing operational efficiency. IoT solutions are pivotal in enabling remote monitoring across diverse environments, including manufacturing, healthcare, and vertical transportation. These systems play a crucial role in early fault detection and rapid response, leading to significant reductions in downtime and maintenance costs.

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