This report examines digital transformation (DX) in the Green Energy Tech area, enabled by
the key technology groups that are the focus of Transforma Insights’ research. It focuses on
the use of DX in power generation to transmission, distribution, end-user locations and other
aspects of energy value chains.
The Green Energy Tech sector is subject to a confluence of dynamics, each driving significant change. On one hand, the design approach for electricity grids must evolve from a historical focus on ensuring that power generation matches power consumption to an approach that aims to make demand track supply fluctuations so that renewable energy sources can be efficiently integrated into the grid. Meanwhile, end-user demand for electricity is increasing due to the adoption of electric vehicles and trends away from burning hydrocarbons to provide heat. In this context, digital transformation of energy systems is a critical need.
Overall, we have identified eight key domains of change in the Agriculture sector that are enabled by digital transformation. These are discussed in more detail in this document and comprise:
Collectively, the activities listed above will bring significant changes to the Green Energy Tech area.
This report examines digital transformation
in the Green Energy Tech area as enabled by the key technology groups that are
the focus of Transforma Insights’ research. These technology groups comprise:
Accordingly, the aim of this document is not to chart the future direction of the Green Energy Tech industry, but to highlight the key areas of change that are enabled by new and emerging
technologies. The bulk of this report (Section 4) is concerned with discussion of these key areas of change, including an overview of each area, together with the analysis of the business impact, the complexity, timings, and the risk associated with each area. We also identify key enabling technologies for each area (from the list above) and provide summary details of illustrative case studies that are available in Transforma Insights Best Practice &
Vendor Selection database.
The purpose of this report is two-fold. Firstly, from the perspective of participants in the energy sector the document highlights new and emerging changes that can be expected to impact the electricity industry in the next few years. Secondly, from the perspective of potential vendors of Green Tech industry, it highlights the key emerging areas of opportunity to sell new products, services, and solutions to the industry. Our analysis of the key technologies that enable each of the identified areas of digital transformation will help vendors of horizontal (technology-specific) capabilities to identify the contexts in which they may secure new business supporting Green Energy Tech.
Specific exclusions from the scope of this report include digital solutions supporting water, gas and heat network utilities, digital solutions supporting field force management, and training assistance solutions.
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