Distributed Ledger (or Blockchain) technologies are one of the most widely hyped of all emerging digital transformation technologies, however the market is at an early stage of development and thus far the technology has mostly only been adopted to support niche solutions.
The market for distributed ledger solutions is something of a conundrum. Whilst the most talked about technologies in the space are permissionless and public blockchains, most industrial user deployments have been distributed ledgers within closed groups. And the deployments with the quickest payback time are those that deal with the most complex (physical, non-fungible) assets.
This Technology Insight Report provides an overview of Distributed Ledger technologies, a key technology in the wider Digital Transformation space. It describes the overall market dynamics for distributed ledger technologies, including market size and development trajectory, use cases, best practices, and recent market developments. The report explores the vendor landscape for distributed ledger technologies, innovative players, vendor selection criteria, and highlights opportunities and risks for end users.
The report also includes an analysis of the key solution characteristics of relevant case studies contained in Transforma Insights’ Best Practice & Vendor Selection database, including payback time, process efficiency and value proposition impact, and a range of technology-specific characteristics.