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Global IoT Forecast Report, 2023-2033

  • Internet of Things
  • IoT
  • forecast
  • connections
  • revenue
  • technology
  • LPWA
  • 5G
  • Matt Arnott
This report provides a snapshot of the state of the IoT market in 2023 and forecasts to 2033. It is compiled based on data extracted from the Transforma Insights IoT Forecast Database, specifically the IoT ‘Connected Things’ forecasts. The forecasts are constantly updated and cover hundreds of applications across 21 vertical sectors and 196 countries. The report comprises analysis of connections and revenues including splits by geography, technology, vertical sector and use case/application. This includes analysis of cellular connections and generation splits (2G, 3G, 4G and 5G), LPWA connections, public vs private network splits and many more. It also includes tables containing high level data. For a full set of data, subscribers should go to the IoT Forecast Database.

This report provides a snapshot of the state of the IoT market in 2023 and forecasts to 2033. It is compiled based on data extracted from the Transforma Insights IoT Forecast Database, specifically the IoT ‘Connected Things’ forecasts. The forecasts are constantly updated and cover hundreds of applications across 21 vertical sectors and 196 countries.

The report comprises analysis of connections and revenues including splits by geography, technology, vertical sector and use case/application. This includes analysis of cellular connections and generation splits (2G, 3G, 4G and 5G), LPWA connections, public vs private network splits and many more. It also includes tables containing high level data. For a full set of data, subscribers should go to the IoT Forecast Database.

The report also provides details of methodology, segmentation and definitions which will be useful to anyone using the forecasts.

If you have questions concerning the methodology, either general or specific to a particular application or vertical sector, don’t hesitate to contact our analysts via


    • Internet of Things
    • Hyperconnectivity