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Nokia Data Marketplace is a strong play for the emerging data exchange market, but is too oriented towards closed user groups

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Sharing
  • Distributed Ledger
  • Internet of Things
  • data
  • exchange
  • clearing house
  • bourse
  • broker
  • trading
  • machine learning
  • artificial intelligence.
  • Matt Hatton
In May 2021, Nokia launched ‘Data Marketplace’ a white-label data exchange platform allowing organisations to exchange data securely. The platform handles rights management, access control and settlement, amongst other things. This product exhibits many of the features and functionality advocated by Transforma Insights as part of its ‘Data Sharing’ technology area. It also folds in two of the current hottest technology fields: distributed ledger and AI. This report examines the capabilities of the platform, with a particular view of whether it is using the optimum architecture to best address the requirements of all clients in an open and many-to-many market that should be the long-term goal for any such system.

In May 2021, Nokia launched ‘Data Marketplace’ a white-label data exchange platform allowing organisations to exchange data securely. The platform handles rights management, access control and settlement, amongst other things. This product exhibits many of the features and functionality advocated by Transforma Insights as part of its ‘Data Sharing’ technology area. It also folds in two of the current hottest technology fields: distributed ledger and AI. This report examines the capabilities of the platform, with a particular view of whether it is using the optimum architecture to best address the requirements of all clients in an open and many-to-many market that should be the long-term goal for any such system.

  • Equinix
  • Nokia
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet of Things
  • Distributed Ledger
  • Data Sharing