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TAM Forecasts

The TAM Forecasts provides our quantitative view of the market opportunity associated with Digital Transformation, Internet of Things (IoT) and AIoT, and all of the associated technologies. Top level results can be found on our Forecast Highlights page.

Select the parameters that you require by picking as appropriate from the Use Cases and Applications, Countries, ISIC Verticals and the technology-specific Parameters. Choosing ‘Select Totals’ picks all categories. For sub-categories, click on a Sector or Use Case. ‘Select All’ picks all sub-categories. Then click Search. The result will be returned as an Excel spreadsheet.

For more information about the TAM Forecasts, click HERE to download a guide to the product. For further explanation of the categories, see the TAM Forecast definition report. If you have a question about the forecasts, please send it to and our analysts would be delighted to respond.

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The TAM Forecasts provides our quantitative view of the market opportunity associated with Digital Transformation and all of the associated technologies. In total is covers 76 Use Cases, 20 Sectors and 196 countries. The are all based on detailed bottom-up market-by-market and application-by-application analysis.


The largest part of what is included in our TAM Forecast Database is our ‘Connected Things’ IoT Forecast which shows the entirety of the IoT opportunity. The IoT Forecast covers 67 Application Groups based on analysis on hundreds of individual applications. It includes numbers of connections, annual shipments, hardware revenue, service revenue, connectivity revenue, and splits by technology (e.g. 5G, LPWA, satellite, short range) and between public and private networks.