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The Transforma Insights Blog

The Transforma Insights Blog is where our analysts share their insights on the world of Digital Transformation

APR 09, 2020 | Matt Hatton

IoT survey shows strong adoption but a need for more strategic thinking by adopters to really harness the opportunities presented by IoT

Transforma Insights has partnered with Internet of Business to conduct a survey of enterprises and their approaches to, and perspectives on, IoT deployment.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of Things
APR 07, 2020 | Matt Arnott

Forecasting IoT in a world turned upside down by Covid-19

As we build our IoT market forecasts at Transforma Insights, the arrival of Covid-19 has caused massive disruption and triggered wider economic and societal changes. Predicting the future has never been harder. In this blog post we look particularly at the automotive sector which is both a major IoT sector and uniquely disrupted by Covid-19.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of Things
MAR 31, 2020 | Matt Hatton

AI gets a mixed scorecard in helping tackle Covid-19

We leave the medicine and epidemiology to the experts. But it is worth exploring how AI research has been applied, with mixed results, to the Covid-19 outbreak.
region: ALL vertical: ALL technology: ALL
MAR 24, 2020 | Matt Hatton

What Intel announcements say about the need for an interdisciplinary approach to looking at new technology

Intel's recent eye-catching announcements demonstrate the interconnectedness of disruptive technology areas such as IoT, AI, 5G and edge computing.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of ThingsHyperconnectivityArtificial IntelligenceEdge Computing
MAR 11, 2020 | Matt Hatton

Detailed analysis of IoT deployments reveals significant aversion to risk

Our first analysis of real world IoT deployments, based on the IoT case studies in our Best Practice & Vendor Selection Database, reveals challenges.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of Things
MAR 03, 2020 | Jim Morrish

Monetising the unknown unknowns in Digital Transformation

Selling Digital Transformation solutions solely on the basis of a specific limited business case can miss a lot of the value for both buyer and seller.
region: ALL vertical: ALL technology: ALL
FEB 24, 2020 | Matt Hatton

Every company needs a C-level executive focused on Digital Transformation (and it should not be the CIO)

Having a CTO is a given for tech companies. If every company is now a tech company, surely they all need a CTO now, to do the things the IT department probably shouldn't.
region: ALL vertical: ALL technology: ALL
FEB 21, 2020 | Jim Morrish

AI and IoT grab the attention at Bosch Connected World

Jim Morrish attended Bosch's major event. He, and the other attendees, heard about its forwarding looking views on AI and a continuing evolution of IoT.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of ThingsArtificial Intelligence
FEB 14, 2020 | Matt Hatton

Vodafone positions its IoT pieces with a focus on know-how and scale

Vodafone's evolving approach to IoT puts one of our analysts in mind of Independence Day (the movie, not the holiday).
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of ThingsHyperconnectivityEdge Computing
FEB 07, 2020 | Jim Morrish

Financing IoT

Today Calisen Group floated on the London Stock Exchange. It's success offers some potential learnings for financing IoT.
region: ALL vertical: ALL Internet of Things